Reflect with Gratitude


2020 was supposed to be the year of YOU which quickly shifted into a new normal that nobody saw coming. Adjustments had to be made ranging from grocery shopping all the way up to our social gatherings. Every part of your life was affected, but you were never alone throughout it all. The World changed together. [...]

Reflect with Gratitude2020-12-07T02:18:10+00:00

Switch It Up


Have you ever noticed that when you sit down in the same exact spot to do your schoolwork that your brain starts to wander? Switch it up. It’s perfectly OK to create more than one study space. Your desk might keep all of your notebooks, books, pens pencils etc. but your brain may need a variety [...]

Switch It Up2020-10-11T12:54:19+00:00

Make the Most Of Everyday


Part of taking care of yourself mentally is keeping up with your work in a way that is most beneficial to you. Use these quick study tips to keep from cramming for your quizzes and tests. Use Class Time Wisely. Sometimes, your professor ends the lecture early. Rather than rushing out the door, try taking those extra [...]

Make the Most Of Everyday2020-09-09T00:06:41+00:00

Accommodations You May Be Entitled To


Mental Health is Vital to Success. Studies have revealed staggering numbers of students who are in need of help, but do not reach out for the assistance they may be in need of. We urge you to take some time to take a mental inventory. If there's an area that you need help in - reach [...]

Accommodations You May Be Entitled To2020-09-08T23:54:00+00:00

Back to School: Online Edition


Whether this will be your first year of college or you're returning to college - we can all agree that this year will not be what you expected it to be. First things first...breathe! Every school aged kid across the country is on track to be doing something completely different. Some are going back to school with [...]

Back to School: Online Edition2020-07-16T23:38:50+00:00

Ruthless Prioritization


Most people think that it is beneficial to be able to multitask; however, it is actually best if you focus on one to three things rather than multiple tasks. One way to determine what to focus your efforts on is called RUTHLESS PRIORITIZING. Ruthless prioritizing in school (or business) starts with picking only three things to [...]

Ruthless Prioritization2020-06-04T17:52:30+00:00