Summer Break: Do’s & Don’ts


Whether you were planning to take summer classes or travel the world, the roller coaster of 2020 has likely changed your summer plans. Rather than dwell on what should have been here's somethings to focus on over the summer months. Summer Break 2020 DO's ✔ Take time to read the book you purchased excitedly, but ran out of time [...]

Summer Break: Do’s & Don’ts2020-06-04T17:10:50+00:00



During stressful times, it is easy to lose our patience as we tend to be more on edge. It can be difficult to remember that we are all in this together and we all need, and deserve, some compassion. In an effort to relax and release stress, try taking a walk around the block. Smile at [...]




Throughout the month of May, we are going to focus on some areas that you can focus your attention to assist with your mental health during our changing world. Oftentimes meditation instructions tell you to let thoughts float past without much thought. But some practices encourage a reflective meditation approach and ask for a reflection period [...]


Dealing with Anxiety During Coronavirus


Our access to information regarding COVID-19 is an endless stream of facts, figures and warnings. Let's be really honest with ourselves, and others: it's scary. This is a normal reaction to the pandemic that has taken over the world. Let's focus on a way to cope with this fear. When you find that anxiety is creeping [...]

Dealing with Anxiety During Coronavirus2020-03-24T01:28:24+00:00

It’s OK to be Afraid


As a society we are consistently told to hold back our feelings and don't express them. However, if we don't cope with stress, our bodies attempt to adjust for the stress by making us sick. At Mental Minutes, we believe it is healthy to talk through your feelings - and find a way that best works [...]

It’s OK to be Afraid2020-03-12T02:16:09+00:00

Focus Your Mind, Any Time


According to, you have between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day. Sometimes one of these thoughts begins to consume us. Next thing you know, the day has slipped away and you can’t get focused on the tasks you should be doing. So, what do you do? Start by telling yourself that whatever you are worried [...]

Focus Your Mind, Any Time2020-02-17T03:26:43+00:00

New Years Eve: College Edition


Are you ready for a new adventure? Are you and your friends ready for a New Year’s Eve adventure? Pack your bags and let’s get to celebrating. If you’re the outdoorsy type, pack your tent, food and hiking gear because it’s time for a weekend campout! If you aren’t quite ready for roughing it in the [...]

New Years Eve: College Edition2019-12-28T16:14:47+00:00

Before You Head Home for the Holidays, Celebrate with Friends


There’s so much to be thankful for during the holidays as you go back home to celebrate with old friends and family. Before you head home, here’s some holiday cheer you can spread at your college.  First, a not-so-fun topic: Clean your room! Ugh. Didn’t you hate hearing your parents say that? Before you leave the [...]

Before You Head Home for the Holidays, Celebrate with Friends2019-12-28T16:05:17+00:00

On Campus Guide: Sororities & Fraternities


Sororities and Fraternities are a large organization on most college campuses. There are various types of sororities and fraternities that range from education-based, invitation-only to more social based chapters. Going through the RUSH process is a great way to find the organization that best suits your personality. Joining a sorority or fraternity can introduce you to [...]

On Campus Guide: Sororities & Fraternities2019-10-21T19:32:06+00:00

National Scholarship Month


November marks the beginning of National Scholarship Month. It’s never too early (or late) to think about applying for numerous scholarships. Student loans lead to years of debt, but these debts can be offset with scholarships. It's free money that doesn't have to be repaid and the best part is there are scholarships that can apply [...]

National Scholarship Month2019-10-21T18:50:15+00:00