Use Summertime for Professional Development


During the summer break, take some time to work on yourself. This can include anything from working through past traumas, learning a new skill, or developing yourself professionally. If you are on the fence about your intended major, check out a professional development conference. They can be a great way to get inspired and learn more [...]

Use Summertime for Professional Development2022-05-03T20:43:11+00:00

5 Ways to Maximize Your Summer: College Edition

2022-05-03T20:43:07+00:00 created a list of 50 ways college students can maximize their summer break. We've found our top 5 favorites for you (covid friendly), but you can review the full list here: 50 Ways for College Students to Maximize Summer Break. Learn a new skill to add to your resume. Skills are learnable assets that can enhance [...]

5 Ways to Maximize Your Summer: College Edition2022-05-03T20:43:07+00:00

Connect to Your Inner Self


Feeling disconnected? We consume our days with so much "stuff": friends, family, tv, social media, studying, work, etc. With so many distractions, when do you take time to stop, reflect, and BE with yourself? Your inner self is made up of your emotions, values, feelings, etc. It's the part of you that cannot be seen physically. [...]

Connect to Your Inner Self2022-05-03T14:42:30+00:00

Secure a Summer Job


The college semester has wrapped up for most students and you may be asking, "Now what?" If a summer job is in your plans, here are some tips for securing your position over the summer. Stop. Think. Plan. Before running out and applying to every place you can, stop and think about your goals. Can you [...]

Secure a Summer Job2022-05-20T01:55:16+00:00

Celebrate Our Furry Friends 🐶 🐱 🐰


It's time to celebrate our furry, furrever friends during National Pet Month. Who can ignore cute puppy dog eyes, funny cat flips and dancing parrot videos?! In addition to the joy that pets can bring, they also offer amazing health benefits! Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression People with pets have lower blood [...]

Celebrate Our Furry Friends 🐶 🐱 🐰2022-05-03T04:08:34+00:00