Use Summertime for Professional Development


During the summer break, take some time to work on yourself. This can include anything from working through past traumas, learning a new skill, or developing yourself professionally. If you are on the fence about your intended major, check out a professional development conference. They can be a great way to get inspired and learn more [...]

Use Summertime for Professional Development2022-05-03T20:43:11+00:00

5 Ways to Maximize Your Summer: College Edition

2022-05-03T20:43:07+00:00 created a list of 50 ways college students can maximize their summer break. We've found our top 5 favorites for you (covid friendly), but you can review the full list here: 50 Ways for College Students to Maximize Summer Break. Learn a new skill to add to your resume. Skills are learnable assets that can enhance [...]

5 Ways to Maximize Your Summer: College Edition2022-05-03T20:43:07+00:00

Finding A Success Coach


There are all different types of coaches: sports, business, family, sales, life, success, etc. Their job is to help train people in their specialty and create accountability. Have you flirted with the idea of having a life, or success, coach, but were unsure of where to start? Here's some pointer for picking a coach: Get insight [...]

Finding A Success Coach2022-03-27T03:15:14+00:00

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution


Did you know by now most people have already stopped working towards their New Year's Resolution? Coming into a new year has traditionally been a time for reflecting on the past year and working towards new goals in the upcoming year. But, it doesn't have to be the only time to start or work towards your [...]

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution2021-12-31T19:54:53+00:00

Have You Met Your Success Coach?


Have you met Your Success Coach, Kim Dalius, yet? If not, let us introduce you! Kim Dalius, Your Success Coach, is an experienced advisor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. She has proficient skills in working with nonprofit organizations, lesson planning, kindergarten, and developing leadership in organizations. Kim is [...]

Have You Met Your Success Coach?2021-12-31T12:51:35+00:00

Planning for 2022


New Years Eve, a time for hope and encouragement, is right around the corner. Take some time to plan for the big night! Goals can be set and achieved all year long, but most people look at New Years as the start of something new - and a time to set goals. Think about your life [...]

Planning for 20222021-12-05T20:23:55+00:00

December is for Giving


December is traditionally known for observing Hanukkah and Christmas, but the 15th Century marked a change to include a focus on giving gifts to friends and family. The concept continued to morph into an annual visit from Santa Claus who bring gifts to those who have been good all year long. In an effort to receive [...]

December is for Giving2021-12-05T19:30:45+00:00

Happiness Happens Month


The Secret Society of Happy People created the Happiness Happens organization. The concept of the Happiness Happens organization was to provide a positive space to encourage their members to share happy stories. In 2000, they took their mission global by creating the Happiness Happens day on August 8 - later taking a whole month to celebrate [...]

Happiness Happens Month2021-08-03T22:18:39+00:00

I scream, you scream, we all scream for National Ice Cream Month!


I scream, you scream! We all scream for ice cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, so let's celebrate the summer months with a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Share the fun with friends this month: Pick up various flavors of ice cream and invite your friends over for an epic ice cream adventure. Have [...]

I scream, you scream, we all scream for National Ice Cream Month!2021-07-06T02:07:29+00:00

Summer Fun Ideas


Everybody seems to be in a different level of comfort about going out these days. So, we’ve got some ideas you could do whether you’re still sticking close to home or you’ve ventured out into the world on a regular basis. Summer was meant for FUN! Vacation Day If you’re staying home these days and wishing [...]

Summer Fun Ideas2021-06-28T17:20:47+00:00