Back to College Tips


It's back to school time! Whether it’s your first year or last, here are some helpful tips to make your school year go a little more smoothly. If possible, try to stay on campus your Freshman year. I still keep in touch with many of my dorm friends. If you keep your door open while you’re [...]

Back to College Tips2019-08-14T14:38:21+00:00

Take a Moment


Life can get hectic at times, and it seems too hard to squeeze any extra time to do something for yourself. Self care is so important for your health and well being. Take a moment to breathe. Here are a few ways. WATCH YOUR FAVORITE SHOW. Sit down in your comfy chair and binge watch your [...]

Take a Moment2019-08-05T13:42:05+00:00

Practice Kindness


It's a new month! Practice kindness to kick off your August. Here are some ways to do that: SMILE AND GIVE A COMPLIMENT! It’s a simple gesture, but it can make another person’s day. Let’s face it...smiles are contagious. You’re checking out at the grocery store, and the checkout clerk looks like their day isn’t going [...]

Practice Kindness2019-08-02T03:17:17+00:00