Ruthless Prioritization


Most people think that it is beneficial to be able to multitask; however, it is actually best if you focus on one to three things rather than multiple tasks. One way to determine what to focus your efforts on is called RUTHLESS PRIORITIZING. Ruthless prioritizing in school (or business) starts with picking only three things to [...]

Ruthless Prioritization2020-06-04T17:52:30+00:00

Summer Break: Do’s & Don’ts


Whether you were planning to take summer classes or travel the world, the roller coaster of 2020 has likely changed your summer plans. Rather than dwell on what should have been here's somethings to focus on over the summer months. Summer Break 2020 DO's ✔ Take time to read the book you purchased excitedly, but ran out of time [...]

Summer Break: Do’s & Don’ts2020-06-04T17:10:50+00:00

Get More ZZzz’s!


Last week we talked about why sleep is so important for your body's ability to function properly. Let's take some time to look at some techniques for helping you reduce anxiety and get to sleep. The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique allows you to focus your mind and breathing while systematically relaxing your body. It's simple, just follow [...]

Get More ZZzz’s!2020-06-04T16:02:15+00:00

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month


We've been taught from a young age that fruits and vegetables are a high priority in your diet because they are filled with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The best part - they are low in calories, fat and sodium - which makes them ultra healthy for your body! Here's some fun facts you probably don't [...]

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month2020-06-04T17:17:05+00:00