Our access to information regarding COVID-19 is an endless stream of facts, figures and warnings. Let’s be really honest with ourselves, and others: it’s scary. This is a normal reaction to the pandemic that has taken over the world. Let’s focus on a way to cope with this fear.

When you find that anxiety is creeping in follow these quick steps:

  1. Turn off facebook, instagram and the news.
  2. Focus your energy on completing one task. It is likely that you have a pile of schoolwork, chores or tasks that you need to complete. So pick ONE.
  3. Do only that one task. Sometimes this is the only way to get through the fear and anxiety that is consuming you – so just stay focused on that one.
  4. Once your first task is completed, do the next task on the list.
  5. Continue this trend until you have completed the tasks on your list for the day – or until you can reasonably stop for the day.
  6. DO NOT turn social media and news back on. Get some well-deserved sleep.

If you follow this set of steps, you’ll find that you start to find the calm in the new world we are all learning to live in. Remember, this is not a permanent new way of life. It is temporary – and your goal is to get through each day to the best of your abilities!

Now is a great time to get established with a success coach who can help you through these times. Schedule your appointment at: https://mentalminutes.com/student-appointments/