Staying Motivated During the Pandemic


As colleges reopen and social distancing remains in place throughout the country, we realize this is the environment we are living in for “awhile”. Don’t get discouraged or lose focus of your end goals. Stay positive and know that “awhile” does not mean forever. If you feel overwhelmed, here are few tips to help you stay [...]

Staying Motivated During the Pandemic2020-09-14T17:01:48+00:00

Find Time to Relax


"One of the most valuable lessons I've learned as a therapist is that self-care isn't self-indulgent—it's absolutely crucial." - Nathalie Theodore, J.D., MSW, LCSW The majority of people would agree that they are too busy or constantly out of time. What they don't agree on is what 'relaxation' looks like. What is relaxing to one person [...]

Find Time to Relax2020-07-16T22:59:37+00:00

Ruthless Prioritization


Most people think that it is beneficial to be able to multitask; however, it is actually best if you focus on one to three things rather than multiple tasks. One way to determine what to focus your efforts on is called RUTHLESS PRIORITIZING. Ruthless prioritizing in school (or business) starts with picking only three things to [...]

Ruthless Prioritization2020-06-04T17:52:30+00:00

Get More ZZzz’s!


Last week we talked about why sleep is so important for your body's ability to function properly. Let's take some time to look at some techniques for helping you reduce anxiety and get to sleep. The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique allows you to focus your mind and breathing while systematically relaxing your body. It's simple, just follow [...]

Get More ZZzz’s!2020-06-04T16:02:15+00:00



During stressful times, it is easy to lose our patience as we tend to be more on edge. It can be difficult to remember that we are all in this together and we all need, and deserve, some compassion. In an effort to relax and release stress, try taking a walk around the block. Smile at [...]




During our new world, we were all thrust into a world of negativity and fear. It’s easy to succumb to those fears and feed the negativity into our brains - but what does it cost us to do so? Gratitude is the answer to some of the negativity. Rather than streaming all the news and checking [...]


Power of Self-Image


Let's revisit the Average of 5 rule - that you are a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with. Do you believe this concept holds true for you? Look at the people you spend the most time with - do you have similar GPAs or participate in the same types of events? [...]

Power of Self-Image2020-04-13T15:50:41+00:00

Stress Management During COVID-19


Stress. Anxiety. Fear. These are all emotions that people are feeling right now across the globe. It’s OK to have these feelings. How you handle your stress, anxiety and fear is of vital importance. Everybody handles stressful situations differently. Here are some things you may be experiencing: Fear about you or a loved one getting sick [...]

Stress Management During COVID-192020-05-08T01:56:13+00:00

Stress Awareness Month


Did you know that April is national Stress Awareness Month? Pretty fitting giving the current state of the World, right? Let's dive in and see what the experts say! Everybody experiences stress, and at various levels. Did you know stress can actually decrease your body's immune system or cause health issues? Experts agree that meditation, exercise [...]

Stress Awareness Month2020-04-13T18:27:09+00:00