As colleges reopen and social distancing remains in place throughout the country, we realize this is the environment we are living in for “awhile”. Don’t get discouraged or lose focus of your end goals. Stay positive and know that “awhile” does not mean forever. If you feel overwhelmed, here are few tips to help you stay on track.

Organize your schedule and set realistic daily goals. Make sure to write down your tasks because you’ll more likely remember and get things done.  Check completed tasks off your list. Provide yourself that visual so at the end of the day you can feel good about your productivity. Allow for flexibility in your schedule. If you have harder tasks to complete, prioritize that activity and add only one or two smaller items for that day. This will prevent you from feeling the need to rush through the first task just so everything on your list is checked off. The goal is to be productive but we also want to make sure we do things right and to the best of our ability. Don’t forget to include time in the day to care for you. In today’s environment, it is more important than ever to be aware of our mental and emotional health.

Between the social unrest and pandemic, we are bombarded with negative news daily! It’s taking a toll on our emotional wellbeing. Social distancing and the new normal can make us feel lonely, anxious, or stressed. All of which can lead us to lower productivity levels. We need to find ways to calm our minds and reduce stress in our daily lives. Set aside time for your health. Make sure to get moving for a mood and energy boost! Exercise, do yoga, go for walks, or a bicycle ride to get your heart rate up and endorphins released. Disconnect with social media and reconnect with people. Check on your friends. Call or have a zoom meeting with them. It’s important to remain social and have conversations that are meaningful and filled with laughter. The only way we are going to get through these challenging times is together.