Happiness Happens Month


The Secret Society of Happy People created the Happiness Happens organization. The concept of the Happiness Happens organization was to provide a positive space to encourage their members to share happy stories. In 2000, they took their mission global by creating the Happiness Happens day on August 8 - later taking a whole month to celebrate [...]

Happiness Happens Month2021-08-03T22:18:39+00:00

Alone Time Boosts Brain Function


We talk about meditation a lot in mental health. Meditation is a time to reflect internally and to shut out the outside world as a method to center yourself. But, did you know that research has shown that there are positive impacts on your brain that are tied to meditating? Meditation can positively impact the areas [...]

Alone Time Boosts Brain Function2021-07-20T13:08:28+00:00

7 Types of Rest (And Why They’re Important)


Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, TedX speaker and author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity has identified seven type of rest! Typically, we only typically think of one type of rest…going to sleep. What if we expanded our knowledge of rest and found a way to get all seven types? This would drastically [...]

7 Types of Rest (And Why They’re Important)2021-07-06T04:55:24+00:00

Managing Mental Health During the Summer


Typically, it is believed that seasonal depression is only during the winter months, but some people struggle during the summer. Since mental health is a year-round journey, let's look at some ways to manage your state of mind. Vitamin D is essential for your body - too little vitamin D can lead to symptoms of depression. [...]

Managing Mental Health During the Summer2021-07-06T04:55:33+00:00

I scream, you scream, we all scream for National Ice Cream Month!


I scream, you scream! We all scream for ice cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, so let's celebrate the summer months with a scoop of your favorite ice cream. Share the fun with friends this month: Pick up various flavors of ice cream and invite your friends over for an epic ice cream adventure. Have [...]

I scream, you scream, we all scream for National Ice Cream Month!2021-07-06T02:07:29+00:00

Get Started on a Workout Plan


Create a goal - remember our SMART Goals?! Know what your goal is so that you can monitor progress. If you’re just getting started, begin with a few short workouts each week. Schedule your workouts at a specific time and stick to it! If your school or apartment complex offer a gym in your tuition/rent, take [...]

Get Started on a Workout Plan2021-06-28T15:41:23+00:00

Are You an Imposter


Have you ever doubted yourself or your abilities? Like you are a fraud living amongst others? This is known as Imposter Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome is when you feel like despite your accomplishments that you’re really not bright and have fooled people into thinking you are. But this is NOT TRUE. This self-doubt can be improved and [...]

Are You an Imposter2021-06-28T17:23:38+00:00

Summer Fun Ideas


Everybody seems to be in a different level of comfort about going out these days. So, we’ve got some ideas you could do whether you’re still sticking close to home or you’ve ventured out into the world on a regular basis. Summer was meant for FUN! Vacation Day If you’re staying home these days and wishing [...]

Summer Fun Ideas2021-06-28T17:20:47+00:00

Monkey Mind


Have you ever noticed your mind is racing with thoughts and you can’t seem to sit down and grasp one thought and follow through with it? Did you know this is completely normal? Studies have found that the average person has 6,200 thoughts a day. (Fun Fact: they named the beginning and end of a thought [...]

Monkey Mind2021-06-28T17:25:45+00:00