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So far webadmin has created 138 blog entries.

Celebrate Your Success


Before we dive into the 'new year, new me' movement, let's take a moment to celebrate all that you've accomplished so far in your lifetime. Gratitude and celebrating your successes will help set you up for continued success. Take 5 minutes and write out some of the things you've already achieved...here's some things that might be [...]

Celebrate Your Success2021-12-31T13:11:50+00:00

Planning for 2022


New Years Eve, a time for hope and encouragement, is right around the corner. Take some time to plan for the big night! Goals can be set and achieved all year long, but most people look at New Years as the start of something new - and a time to set goals. Think about your life [...]

Planning for 20222021-12-05T20:23:55+00:00

Christmas Miracles Inspired by You


The best christmas gift is to realize how much you already have. - Unknown The last two years have been a roller coaster - for everyone. It doesn't matter how many presents are under the tree, or if you even have a tree. The only things that matter are the memories you've made, the people you [...]

Christmas Miracles Inspired by You2021-12-05T20:03:12+00:00

Get Rid of Negative Self-Talk


Do you know that the little voice you hear in the back of your head isn't really "you"?ย  That voice is actually there to protect you and is known by psychologist as your "inner speech"! And boy is it negative! Your inner speech is constantly narrating your life while presenting its' version of your life as [...]

Get Rid of Negative Self-Talk2021-11-28T23:44:14+00:00

December is for Giving


December is traditionally known for observing Hanukkah and Christmas, but the 15th Century marked a change to include a focus on giving gifts to friends and family. The concept continued to morph into an annual visit from Santa Claus who bring gifts to those who have been good all year long. In an effort to receive [...]

December is for Giving2021-12-05T19:30:45+00:00

15 Self-Affirmations to Use Weekly (or Daily)


Let's finish out the last month of 2021 with positive, self talk! Below are 15 affirmations to tell yourself weekly - and even daily! I am confident. I am powerful. I am getting better and better every day. All I need is within me right now. I am inspiring people through my work. I am not [...]

15 Self-Affirmations to Use Weekly (or Daily)2021-11-28T23:30:33+00:00

‘Tis the Season for All the “Things”


Welcome to the holidays where you are destined to feel a range of emotions that range from exuberantly happy to overwhelming stress. Fear not! We are here to help. Everybody looks forward to the holiday season. It's a time of joy and togetherness. But, the part that nobody talks about is the stress that comes along [...]

‘Tis the Season for All the “Things”2021-11-22T19:06:43+00:00

Your Personal Vision


Oftentimes people will get lost in the fear of failing or a state of indecision. This rabbit hole of feelings tend to bring people down emotionally, but what if we had a way to stayย out of this state of mind? Every person was put on this planet with a purpose and our journey on Earth is [...]

Your Personal Vision2021-11-08T14:57:53+00:00

Don’t Be Blue


This past weekend we entered Daylight Savings Time and turned our clocks back. An extra hour of sleep is glorious!! But, this time change also seems to be a signal to our body that winter is here and activates those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Ugh, right?! Some Signs of S.A.D. Negative thoughts and feelings Disturbed [...]

Don’t Be Blue2021-11-08T15:56:18+00:00

Monthly Focus: Family Stories ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•


Before the written word, communities would use storytelling to pass down lessons and family stories between generations. As the written word evolved, books became a main source for communicating stories. As we step into November, a time known most for coming together with the family, let's work on building family bonds with traditional storytelling. Studies have [...]

Monthly Focus: Family Stories ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’•2021-11-02T04:50:02+00:00