Successful New Years Resolutions


Many people set the right intention with creating a New Year's resolution, but lack the experience to create a successful program for themselves. New Year's resolutions often are framed in the negative rather than the positive affirmation of that goal. People also tend to create a general goal instead of something specific enough to obtain it. Let's look at [...]

Successful New Years Resolutions2020-12-23T22:43:51+00:00

Reflect with Gratitude


2020 was supposed to be the year of YOU which quickly shifted into a new normal that nobody saw coming. Adjustments had to be made ranging from grocery shopping all the way up to our social gatherings. Every part of your life was affected, but you were never alone throughout it all. The World changed together. [...]

Reflect with Gratitude2020-12-07T02:18:10+00:00

5 Ways to Stay Positive in Any Situation


This year has been hard on everyone regardless of social or economic status. It's ok to acknowledge that things may have been difficult; however, we all have a choice in how we react and the attitude we take towards any scenario we find ourselves in. Here are 5 ways to stay positive in any situation: Practice [...]

5 Ways to Stay Positive in Any Situation2020-11-23T15:03:12+00:00

Staying Motivated During the Pandemic


As colleges reopen and social distancing remains in place throughout the country, we realize this is the environment we are living in for “awhile”. Don’t get discouraged or lose focus of your end goals. Stay positive and know that “awhile” does not mean forever. If you feel overwhelmed, here are few tips to help you stay [...]

Staying Motivated During the Pandemic2020-09-14T17:01:48+00:00

Self Improvement Month


Tony Robbins. Rachel Hollis. Eric Thomas the Hip-Hop Preacher. Kim Dalius. Do any of these names ring a bell? Do you follow any of them? Have you worked with any of them? (If not - try out having your very own success coach - Kim Dalius) Self development and self improvement are a big industry. Many people can improve [...]

Self Improvement Month2020-09-03T22:46:07+00:00

Shift Your Focus


"You Give Life To What You Give Energy To" When it feels like every day is a bad day, it's time to take a step back and reflect. What words are you breathing life into? Are you constantly speaking negatively out loud - or even inside your head to yourself? We have thousands of thoughts every [...]

Shift Your Focus2020-07-16T23:00:48+00:00

Ruthless Prioritization


Most people think that it is beneficial to be able to multitask; however, it is actually best if you focus on one to three things rather than multiple tasks. One way to determine what to focus your efforts on is called RUTHLESS PRIORITIZING. Ruthless prioritizing in school (or business) starts with picking only three things to [...]

Ruthless Prioritization2020-06-04T17:52:30+00:00



During our new world, we were all thrust into a world of negativity and fear. It’s easy to succumb to those fears and feed the negativity into our brains - but what does it cost us to do so? Gratitude is the answer to some of the negativity. Rather than streaming all the news and checking [...]


Teen Self-Esteem Month


Whether you’re still in your teen years, or freshly into your 20’s - self-esteem plays a huge role in your mental well-being. During Teen Self-Esteem month, we encourage you to reach out to your peers with encouraging words and motivational thoughts. Love and accept yourself (didn’t Christina Aguilera say it best? "You are beautiful no matter [...]

Teen Self-Esteem Month2020-05-08T02:21:49+00:00

The Year of YOU


We are a few months into 2020, the year of YOU! If you have not set your intentions for the year yet, take a moment to define your intentions with the help of our blog: SETTING YOUR INTENTIONS. Remember to focus your energy on your intentions on a daily basis, one decision and task at a [...]

The Year of YOU2020-02-17T03:28:22+00:00