This year has been hard on everyone regardless of social or economic status. It’s ok to acknowledge that things may have been difficult; however, we all have a choice in how we react and the attitude we take towards any scenario we find ourselves in.

Here are 5 ways to stay positive in any situation:

Practice Gratitude
This is a great way to shift your thoughts from negative to positive because that is what gratitude is. To make this a daily habit, write down three things you are grateful for every day. In doing so, you will have a more positive mindset.

Jam Out to Your Favorite Music
Listening to music will help you stay positive or get into a more positive mood. If you are feeling down, just turn on your favorite song and allow your mind and body to absorb the good vibrations. Whether you want to get your body moving with dance, sing along, or simply just sit and listen mindfully, music is a wonderful way to uplift yourself.

Meditation is soothing to our spirits. Sitting in silence and listening to yourself breath, will help relax the tension in your body and relieve anxiety. When you begin to meditate, do not overthink the duration of your meditation. Just allow yourself to sink into the silence, and you will achieve deep relaxation.

Do Something You Love
Do you remember that hobby you loved when you were a child? Do it. Too often we get so fixated on work or school, we forget to follow our passions; but what is a life lived if it is lived with no passion? Make time to do the things that light up your soul.

Challenge Your Negative Thinking
Being positive takes practice, like anything in life. Challenge your negative thoughts by thinking the opposite and saying it out loud three times. If you make a habit of this, you will begin to recognize a significant change in the quality of your thoughts.

Staying positive allows us to face life’s challenges with great resilience. It gives us the strength we need to keep pushing on through challenges and adversity. It is an invaluable life skill that we should make a conscious effort to spread more of.