Many people set the right intention with creating a New Year’s resolution, but lack the experience to create a successful program for themselves. New Year’s resolutions often are framed in the negative rather than the positive affirmation of that goal. People also tend to create a general goal instead of something specific enough to obtain it. Let’s look at some ways to make sure your New Year’s resolution can be a success in 2021.

Start Small
The only way to eat an elephant is to start with one small bite. In other words, create a series of small, obtainable steps that will take you to your bigger goal. One example is to eat more vegetables month one and gradually cut back sweets throughout month two.

Make Positive Affirmations
Stray away from “don’t eat junk food” and re-phrase your perspective to “eat carrots and celery.” This will help your brain understand what TO DO instead of the learned behaviors and patterns that it is used to.

Create Benchmarks
Set obtainable timelines for achieving your goal. Create a short-term, medium-term and long-term benchmark that will help you get to your overall goal throughout time.

Make Your Goal Unique to You
Often times we tend to create a New Year’s resolution that is generic to society. Lose weight, exercise more, etc. Try creating a goal that is something that you want to achieve – get a new job, learn a new skill, get all A’s in school.