February is the month where heart health awareness is at its peak. Have you ever wondered why? It’s actually a tradition that’s over half a century strong. In 1964, 9 years following a heart attack, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared February to be American Heart Month.

Interested in participating in this campaign for heart health? Here are some examples of common activities for the month of February:

  1. Wear Red.
  2. Spread the Word. Young or old, it’s never too early to care for your heart.
  3. Encourage others to quit smoking.
  4. Start exercising.
  5. Raise awareness via a social media campaign.
  6. Support your local hospitals and heart health organizations.

One particular way to get involved is by participating in the American Heart Associations Kids Heart Challenge. Their mission is to raise awareness and lifesaving funds for children with special hearts.

Prioritizing our heart health is important, as is celebrating the gift of love this month with Valentine’s Day. It is never a bad idea to spread love and kindness to the ones we love – significant others, friends, family, coworkers and anyone else who looks like they could benefit from a dose of appreciation. Sharing some pink heart-shaped chocolates never hurts either.