A success coach is an experienced, and certified, person who helps you work through life’s problems. Kim Dalius – Your Success Coach can assist you by:

Helping to Assess Your Situation. How can you reach a goal if you don’t know where you currently are and where you’re trying to go? Your Success Coach will help you assess where you are currently in the process of school, relationships, etc. in an effort to help you understand your current situation. When we accept our current reality – we can begin the process of moving forward.

Setting Goals. Setting SMART goals is a vital step in getting to an end result. Most people have a big concept of what they’re trying to achieve but never really dig into the details that will help you achieve that goal. Your Success Coach will help you decide what is most important to you – and why.

Creating a Plan. Once you’ve determined your SMART goal and your ‘why’, Your Success Coach will assist you with an actionable plan with steps to achieve that goal.

Being Accountable. Checking in with Your Success Coach will help you remain accountable while managing your progress. Together, you’ll be able to make changes to the plan if necessary to keep you motivated and on-track to achieve your goal.