Make This (Socially Distant) Holiday Season Extra Special


Many people are wondering if it is possible to celebrate the holidays this year. Are there ways to safely enjoy spending quality time with family and friends? With some creativity, the holidays don’t have to be canceled! Here are some ways to make this holiday season extra special while maintaining social distancing. Invest more time and [...]

Make This (Socially Distant) Holiday Season Extra Special2020-12-06T23:07:28+00:00

5 Ways to Stay Positive in Any Situation


This year has been hard on everyone regardless of social or economic status. It's ok to acknowledge that things may have been difficult; however, we all have a choice in how we react and the attitude we take towards any scenario we find ourselves in. Here are 5 ways to stay positive in any situation: Practice [...]

5 Ways to Stay Positive in Any Situation2020-11-23T15:03:12+00:00

Emotional Wellness Month


We hear of "self-help", "self-care" and "self-development", but "emotional wellness" is a term you may not have heard much of. Emotional wellness is the ability to process our feelings in a healthy way and manage stress. Stress can be either mental or emotional and can have a negative impact on your body. Stress can affect the [...]

Emotional Wellness Month2020-10-02T15:32:48+00:00

Accommodations You May Be Entitled To


Mental Health is Vital to Success. Studies have revealed staggering numbers of students who are in need of help, but do not reach out for the assistance they may be in need of. We urge you to take some time to take a mental inventory. If there's an area that you need help in - reach [...]

Accommodations You May Be Entitled To2020-09-08T23:54:00+00:00

Self Improvement Month


Tony Robbins. Rachel Hollis. Eric Thomas the Hip-Hop Preacher. Kim Dalius. Do any of these names ring a bell? Do you follow any of them? Have you worked with any of them? (If not - try out having your very own success coach - Kim Dalius) Self development and self improvement are a big industry. Many people can improve [...]

Self Improvement Month2020-09-03T22:46:07+00:00

Shift Your Focus


"You Give Life To What You Give Energy To" When it feels like every day is a bad day, it's time to take a step back and reflect. What words are you breathing life into? Are you constantly speaking negatively out loud - or even inside your head to yourself? We have thousands of thoughts every [...]

Shift Your Focus2020-07-16T23:00:48+00:00

Find Time to Relax


"One of the most valuable lessons I've learned as a therapist is that self-care isn't self-indulgent—it's absolutely crucial." - Nathalie Theodore, J.D., MSW, LCSW The majority of people would agree that they are too busy or constantly out of time. What they don't agree on is what 'relaxation' looks like. What is relaxing to one person [...]

Find Time to Relax2020-07-16T22:59:37+00:00

Summer Break: Do’s & Don’ts


Whether you were planning to take summer classes or travel the world, the roller coaster of 2020 has likely changed your summer plans. Rather than dwell on what should have been here's somethings to focus on over the summer months. Summer Break 2020 DO's ✔ Take time to read the book you purchased excitedly, but ran out of time [...]

Summer Break: Do’s & Don’ts2020-06-04T17:10:50+00:00