“You can’t pour from an empty cup”

How do you prevent your own cup from becoming empty? With all the challenges we face daily, self-care is of the utmost importance.  It is the oil that keeps the gears of our mind, body, and spirit running effortlessly. Things like eating healthy, exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness, and meditation can reduce stress and ultimately help us to lead happier lives. We will explore ways to incorporate self-care into our daily lives.

Eat Healthy Foods
Remember the food pyramid from elementary school? It matters! Food is the fuel that powers your body and mind – allowing you to function at your absolute best. It is critical to feed your body the proper nutrition – rather than with unhealthy snack foods and fast-food. This habit can easily be changed. Next time you have the urge to reach for the chips…choose an orange, apple, banana or other healthy snack  instead. (For snack ideas, check out our blog 15 Healthy Snacks to Make College Eating Effortless)

Drink Plenty of Water
Did you know 80% of headaches are caused by dehydration alone? Our bodies are made up of 70% water! This is one of the simplest and most important ways to take care of yourself – yet so many people avoid it. Water will keep you feeling energized and refreshed plus help keep your skin free from breakouts. (Go grab some water!)

Meditation allows you to clear your mind and be fully present within yourself. This is a fantastic way to reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and improve sleep patterns. Meditation has also been known to lower blood pressure and decrease chronic pain. The best part is you can meditate anywhere!

Daily exercise will boost your metabolism, increase energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety all in one (BAM! A quadruple threat). Exercising daily can also greatly increase your mood.